bar table bench
high bar table bench with bar stools
black stools and bar table bench
high bar bench tables with bar stools outside
balck and white bar stools around a bar table bench
bar table bench set up
bar table bench
high bar table bench with bar stools
black stools and bar table bench
high bar bench tables with bar stools outside
balck and white bar stools around a bar table bench
bar table bench set up

Bar Table Bench


Important Information: Feel Good Events Hire has a minimum spend of $1,000 on equipment hire. Minimum spend does not include delivery and set up costs. Feel Good Events no longer offers DIY on our hire equipment and all products must be delivered and set up by our team.
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Introducing our Bar Table Bench: A robust wooden slatted table with an elegant black metal frame. It comfortably accommodates three adults on each side and pairs seamlessly with our selection of Bar Stools.

This versatile table is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, but we advise placing it on level ground. Please note that it is not weatherproof, so it should not be left outside overnight.



1.1m (H), 55cm (W), 1.9m (L)